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Data Privacy Policy
Document Reference: DIN-DP-POL-01
Version 1.0
Classification: Restricted
Data Privacy Policy
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Data Privacy Policy
Version No.
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Initial Draft
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All Employees
Data Privacy Policy
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Version No.
Ajay Sachdeva
Data Privacy Policy
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Dubai Insurance Company
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Information Security Officer
Information Security Governance Committee
Department of Health AubDhabi
Patient Healthcare Data Privacy
Information Technology
Patient Healthcare Information
Protected Health Information
Personally identifiable information
Human Resource
Quality Assurance
Head of Department
Third Party Administrator
Risk Management Committee
Data Protection Officer
Data Protection Impact Assessment
Data Privacy Policy
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Privacy by Design
Record of Processing Activity
Key Performance Indicator
Non-Disclosure Agreement
Privacy by Design
Security by Design
Secure Development Lifecycle
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Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
2. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
3. PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
4. GOVERNANCE .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5. DATA PRIVACY POLICY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................... 9
5.1. BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND CEO ........................................................................................................................................ 9
5.2. RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ..................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3. DATA PROTECTION OFFICER/DESIGNEE .............................................................................................................................. 10
5.4. HEAD OF DEPARTMENT .................................................................................................................................................. 12
5.5. HEAD OF IT DEPARTMENT .............................................................................................................................................. 13
5.6. INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM ....................................................................................................................................... 13
5.7. INTERNAL AUDIT TEAM .................................................................................................................................................. 14
5.8. MARKETING DEPARTMENT.............................................................................................................................................. 14
5.9. HEAD OF LEGAL DEPARTMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 14
5.10. IT DEPARTMENT........................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.11. HUMAN RESOURCE (HR) DEPARTMENT ............................................................................................................................. 16
5.12. EMPLOYEES AND AUTHORIZED THIRD PARTIES ..................................................................................................................... 16
6. DATA PRIVACY BY DESIGN ............................................................................................................................................... 16
7. OWNERSHIP AND REVIEW ............................................................................................................................................... 18
8. POLICY COMPLIANCE ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
9. PRIVACY POLICY STATEMENT .......................................................................................................................................... 18
9.1. NOTICE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
9.2. CHOICE AND CONSENT ................................................................................................................................................... 19
9.3. COLLECTION ................................................................................................................................................................ 20
9.4. USE, RETENTION AND DISPOSAL ....................................................................................................................................... 21
9.5. ACCESS AND CORRECTION............................................................................................................................................... 22
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9.6. DISCLOSURE TO THIRD PARTIES ........................................................................................................................................ 23
9.7. SAFEGUARDING PII/PHI ................................................................................................................................................ 25
9.8. QUALITY..................................................................................................................................................................... 26
9.9. MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT .................................................................................................................................... 27
10. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................................ 28
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1. Introduction
The Data Privacy Policy defines the statements to adhere to when handling the personally identifiable information/
Protected Health Information of Individual which is collected, processed, stored or transferred by DIN. This Policy is
intended to protect the PII/PHI and preserver the privacy of customers, employees, and third parties, (together
termed as “Individuals” in this policy) who provide PII/PHI to DIN. Third parties include vendors, suppliers, partners,
contractors and service providers. This policy has been designed keeping in mind DIN’s privacy requirements and
further improvements will be aligned to the same.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all business process operations, information systems, and physical paper forms in DIN that
involve the handling of an Individual’s PII/PHI.
Appropriate sections of this policy document shall be conveyed to DIN customers, employees, and third parties.
3. Objective
This policy is intended to protect the PII/PHI and preserve the privacy of Individuals who’s PII/PHI is collected by DIN.
Such PII/PHI is protected by avoiding (i) unlawful disclosure; and (ii) ensuring DIN and the third parties of DIN, works
with only use PII/PHI in accordance with DIN’s Privacy Policy.
The objectives of this privacy policy are:
To ensure DIN pro-actively addresses customers’ expectations concerning their privacy and security in order
to create and ensure trust and confidence in DIN and the products and services it provides;
To comply with relevant privacy and data protection laws thereby minimizing legal liability, regulatory risk and
brand and reputational exposure;
To ensure that an individual’s PII/PHI is collected and processed in a fair and transparent manner and in
compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
The privacy policy covers DIN’s commitment to implement:
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Openness in privacy notices given to Individuals at the time DIN’s collects their PII/PHI to assist Individuals in
understanding how their information will be used or shared;
Appropriate choice and consent options for Individuals;
Principles on the collection, processing, usage, retention and disposal of PII/PHI;
Appropriate safeguards to (i) protect PII/PHI that third parties process on behalf of DIN and (ii) ensure the
PII/PHI is used only for the agreed purpose;
Processes that permit Individuals the right to access and amend their PII/PHI and
A Privacy Permissions Label and Controls Matrix to ensure that the types and use of PII/PHI is appropriately
controlled within DIN.
4. Governance
This policy is applicable to DIN customers, employees, and third parties who can be one of the below actors in the
context of information privacy:
Data Subject Individuals whose personal data is collected and processed. They will typically constitute customers,
employees, vendors and contractor’s staff.
Data Controller Organization, employees, senior management, top management, who determine the purposes for
which and the manner in which any personal data are, or are to be, processed. This will constitute the organization
itself i.e. DIN.
Data Processor Organizations or Individuals who processes the data on behalf of DIN. They will typically constitute
various third parties such as vendor and contractors that DIN partners with.
5. Data Privacy Policy Roles and Responsibilities
5.1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The key responsibilities of CEO are as follows:
Set an appropriate “tone at the top” in order to establish a culture of compliance.
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Oversight of the Privacy Program and may delegate its responsibilities in part to its audit, risk or information
security governance committees, which may assume certain board risk & compliance program responsibilities.
Assess the extent to which DIN is managing its privacy risk effectively.
Assess at least annually, the performance of the privacy compliance function.
5.2. Information Security Governance Committee (ISGC) /Risk Management Committee
The key responsibilities of the ISGC or RMC are as follows:
Responsible for reporting the overall status of privacy program milestones and metrics to the CEO;
Report promptly to the CEO on any material breaches of laws, rules and standards;
Review resource allocation issues that may have an impact on managing privacy risks;
Approve privacy program strategies and facilitate the alignment with DIN’s business strategies;
Provide top-down executive oversight and mandates to enable implementation of privacy objectives and stay
informed of progresses against privacy plans;
Provide insights on common issues/ best practices and other topics in support to the privacy team programs;
Approve the changes in internal policies as and when changes from Health Authority or relevant regulatory
authority occurs or requires amendment in the policy internally after the approval of DPO/Designee;
Participate in the review of data privacy awareness program plan and content, and provide recommendations
to the DPO regarding any necessary changes and updates;
Approve and support communication of the data privacy awareness program plan.
5.3. Data Protection Officer/Designee
The key responsibilities of the DPO/Designee are as follows:
Manage all privacy budgets, initiatives and investments;
Manage and oversee the overall planning, implementation, monitoring and continual improvement of data
privacy requirements according to the data privacy policy and procedure;
Define plans regarding privacy strategy and roadmap;
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Stay informed of progress against best practice privacy program strategies;
Ensure that the data privacy policy is reviewed at least once in a year or when necessary;
Oversee the business functions in meeting the requirements of the privacy program and provide privacy
subject matter and risk management expertise;
Act as the single point of contact for internal or external personal data and privacy-related related inquiries;
Inform management and employees of DOH data privacy regulations and other applicable laws, regulations
and regulatory directives communicated by the regulatory body;
Monitor and report on overall status of the privacy program milestones and metrics to the executive
management committee;
Coordinate closely with the Head of Legal/Designee to provide strategic guidance and advice upon risks,
controls, and implementation of privacy program requirements;
Work closely with legal, internal audit, IT and the other business functions to enable proper implementation
of privacy policies;
Identify and communicate cross-regional and cross-functional privacy risks;
Monitor compliance with local regulatory requirements.
Review the Record of Processing activities registers of each relevant business unit.
Support implementation and understanding of privacy and the program across the organization;
Oversee data privacy agreements, and execute projects while consulting on new business initiatives;
Evaluate the requests received from the Business Unit Sponsors with respect to the data protection impact of
a new project;
Issue opinion about the feasibility of the project from a data privacy standpoint;
Supervise the DPIA execution for the specific processing activity;
Ensure that the DPIA forms are filled correctly by the Business Unit Sponsors and Identify privacy risks with
respect to the business processes;
Complete and maintain repository of documentation required for privacy compliance;
Report regulatory non-compliance issues to Risk Management Committee;
Notify the relevant Regulatory bodies when a privacy data breach occurs;
Attend training sessions and assist with incident response process if required;
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Build and review periodically, the data privacy awareness program in line with local regulatory and
international practices;
Analyze and document employees’ needs regarding data privacy training and review their needs annually;
Review the Data Privacy awareness content at least once in a year and update as applicable;
Share awareness content and plan the awareness sessions in coordination with the Human Resource (HR)
department and respective head of business
Attend trainings if required and remain up to date of the most recent privacy developments in laws and
Ensure that all stakeholders understand the concepts and objective of the Data Privacy awareness program;
Contact Information of DPO/Designee shall be published and communicated to Regulatory Authority and
third-party entities related to data privacy matters.
5.4. Head of Department
The key responsibilities of the Head of Departments are as follows:
Reinforce and communicate the “tone at the top” messaging established by leadership;
Operationalize privacy policies and tools within business processes;
Ensure that their team and other authorized individuals within their business units are informed to comply
with DINs Data Privacy policy;
Ensure that all personal data held by their business units are included in the Record of Processing activities
Ensure new and existing third parties (supporting the respective departments) are made aware of the data
privacy requirements of DIN, by regularly communicating or circulating the data privacy policy, procedure and
awareness material;
Ensure compliance to the data privacy awareness program plan within their own area(s) of operations.
Nominate the business unit sponsor to fill the DPIA form with guidance from the DPO/Designee.
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5.5. Head of IT Department
The key responsibilities of Head of IT are as follows:
Receives and reviews high level incident assessment report from the Incident Management Team and reports
it to the ISGC;
Reports lessons learned and policy weaknesses identified post-remediation to the ISGC or RCM Committee
and Operations Manager.
Reports the need as applicable for outsourced non-legal resources and tools to DPO/Designee;
Reports potential need to shut down a core business resource to CEO/CFO and Head of Legal Department;
Reports potential need to inform media/customers to [Corporate Communications Representative] and Head
of Legal Department;
Continuously reports touch points with ISGC (weekly updates);
Assists with socialization of Incident Management Operations with the Management Committee;
Review initial assessment done by Incident Management Team and declares the incident type (Security,
Privacy or both);
Report damage and risk assessment reports of incidents to the CEO;
Request additional IT Department resources and tools from IT Department.
5.6. Incident Management Team
The key responsibilities of Incident Management Team are as follows:
Monitor for security and privacy possible incidents;
Perform preliminary assessment and categorize a possible security incident using automated tools;
Report findings to Incident Management Manager/DPO/CISO/Designee;
Provide Incident Management report to the Incident Management Manager/DPO/CISO/Designee daily,
weekly and monthly as applicable
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5.7. Internal Audit Team
The key responsibilities of Internal Audit Team are as follows:
Deliver independent and objective data privacy assurance services that support management in striking the
balance between privacy risks and controls, and help the CEO fulfil its governance responsibilities;
Review specific operations or processes related to privacy that are raised by the CEO, the Executive
Management Committee or DPO/Designee; and
Conduct periodic audits/reviews of the Privacy Program.
5.8. Marketing Department
The key responsibilities of Marketing Team are as follows:
Approve any data protection statements attached to communications such as emails and letters;
Address any data protection queries from journalists or media outlets like newspapers;
Ensure marketing initiatives abide by the data protection principles by working with other staff;
Ensure privacy notices and consent management are in place on all public facing websites and marketing
5.9. Head of Legal Department
The key responsibilities of Legal Manager are as follows:
Provide legal and strategic guidance and advice to the business functions and DPO/Desginee;
Identify and communicate the requirements of existing and new Law(s) and/or Regulation(s) applicable to DIN
and any changes thereto on a timely and ongoing basis;
Interpret legal and regulatory obligations in terms of applicability and needs for DIN;
Provide legal advice to DIN departments concerning data processing agreements with third parties, privacy
policies, privacy complaints, privacy impact assessments and data subject rights;
Support DIN’s departments with legal advice in the event of a data breach.
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Provide legal advice to aid approval/denial of requests such as “right to access” and “right to be forgotten”
when they are overly complex;
Provide legal advice to departments when notice and consent needs to be implemented and what information
should be included;
Provide guidance to the Incident Management Manager/CISO/Designee if an incident may have legal
consequences, including evidence collection, prosecution, or a lawsuit;
Serve as a point of contact for legal third parties and outside contractors.
Review requests from DPO to contact law enforcement or other outside government agency;
Report the need to contact law enforcement to Management Committee
5.10. IT Department
The key responsibilities of IT Department are as follows:
Work with the Incident Management Manager/Designee/IT Manager/CISO to provide required IT Department
resources, access and tools;
Aid in providing Incident Management Manager/Designee/IT Manager/CISO more context on the incident as
received from IT Department;
Provide remediation of incidents as requested by Incident Management Manager/Designee/IT Manager/CISO.
Attend training sessions on IT role in the incident response process conducted by the Incident Management
Manager/Designee/IT Manager/CISO;
Assist the remediation of affected systems under direction of Incident Management Manager/Designee/ IT
Manager/CISO (including remote wiping of corporate smartphone devices).
Apply patches and updates to systems;
Provide logs and system outputs for review as needed by Incident Management Manager/Designee/ IT
Assists with the shutdown/isolation/segmentation of system or configuration item during the containment
Assist with system recovery and post-incident monitoring.
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5.11. Human Resource (HR) Department
The key responsibilities of HR Department are as follows:
Ensure that all employees of DIN are accountable for their actions, and that appropriate remedial or
disciplinary action will be taken in case of any privacy breaches;
Ensure any changes to the privacy policies are read and acknowledged by every individual accessing DIN’s
personal data.
Provide guidance to Incident Management Manager/CISO/Designee if an incident involves sensitive employee
records or past/present employee actions, in accordance with the HR Policy.
Ensure Data Privacy induction sessions for new joiners (employees) are delivered;
Provide support in conducting Data Privacy awareness sessions (refresher session) for existing employees, as
per awareness content and awareness plan shared by DPO/Designee;
Provide support in sharing awareness content with employees as instructed by DPO/Designee;;
Maintain the relevant records of Data Privacy trainings conducted for employees.
5.12. Employees and Authorized Third Parties
The key responsibilities of employees and authorized third parties are as follows:
Adhere to the Data Privacy policy and procedures;
Report any actual or suspected privacy incidents (such as accidental exposure or loss, unauthorized access,
theft) to the DPO/Designee immediately;
Attend Data Privacy trainings and awareness sessions.
6. Data Privacy by Design
6.1. Privacy by Design Principle
Privacy by design (PbD) is crucial to address both the privacy needs of data subject and the legitimate interests and
objectives of Matrix Exchange. PbD consists of seven 7 principles
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Proactive not Reactive; Preventative not Remedial
Instead of waiting for privacy issues to arise, organizations are encouraged to prevent privacy issues from occurring
by anticipating privacy risks and developing controls to mitigate them.
Assess, identify, manage and prevent any data privacy risk before data breaches occur. Risks can be minimized through
good design and data management practices
Privacy by Default Setting
Data privacy measures must be integrated into processes and features of the systems. Individuals should not have to
take actions for their personal data to be protected, and measures to safeguard personal data should be automatically
provided as default settings.
Privacy Embedded into Design
Privacy should be built into the design of systems and processes. It should not be added on or considered after the
system or process is designed. Privacy should be considered and embedded from the start of the design process.
Therefore, privacy is a core function of the system or process.
Full Functionality Positive-Sum, not Zero-Sum
Privacy does not need to hinder or diminish functionality of a system or process. Legitimate interests and objectives
should be considered in the design of a system or process along with privacy objectives and interests.
End-to-End Security Full Lifecycle Protection
Strong security measures should be in place from the beginning of the design of an initiative to the end of the system’s
or process’ lifecycle. Personal data should be securely stored, used, securely, and destroyed.
Visibility and Transparency Keep it Open
Stakeholders should maintain their systems and processes in a transparent manner, meaning that they operate as
designed and according to stated objectives, subject to verification.
Respect for User Privacy Keep it User-Centric
The rights of the individual are the primary focus. Data subjects should be provided notice and choice, as well as other
data subject-friendly options.
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By following these Privacy by design principles, Matrix Exchange can respect the data subjects’ right to maintain their
information privacy while meeting the needs of the enterprise.
7. Ownership and Review
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or Chief Financial Officer (CFO) shall be responsible for final approval of this Policy. The
Data Privacy Policy shall be revised taking into consideration the changes in the internal and external environment,
and amendments if any, proposed by all stakeholders. The proposed amendment shall be prepared in draft form and
shall be forwarded by the DPO/Designee in consultation with Legal/Compliance Head (if required) to the Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) with justification for the amendment. All changes to this document shall be approved by CEO
after being endorsed by the DPO/Designee.
DPO/Designee shall retain a version control form to record the approval of changes made to the document from time
to time
8. Policy Compliance
8.1. Any violation or breach to the policy shall be subject to DIN’s HR disciplinary procedure in accordance with
relevant HR Law, the Code of Conduct for Employees and any other applicable UAE Laws in this regard.
8.2. All departments shall be aware of and comply with the guidelines stated in this policy.
8.3. Any exceptions to this policy with valid business justification require approval from DPO/designee on a case to
case basis.
9. Privacy Policy Statement
9.1. Notice
Objective: To ensure DIN provides a privacy notice to the data subject prior to handling its PII/PHI.
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The purposes for collection of PII/PHI at or before the time of collection shall be identified.
The notice shall clearly state the identified purposes for which PII/PHI will be collected, used, retained and
The notice shall clearly indicate the purpose for collecting PII/PHI and whether such purpose is part of a
business or legal requirement.
Individuals shall be notified of the reasons for collection of PII/PHI in writing at the time of collection.
DIN shall notify Individuals before using PII/PHI for any purpose not identified at the time of collection.
Where DIN is bound by law to notify regulatory bodies about its use of PII/PHI, DIN will ensure that they
update any required notification with the identified business purpose prior to collecting PII/PHI for those
DIN shall ensure that the operations staff who collects PII/PHI for the organization can explain the purpose of
collection to Individuals.
DIN shall state and explain purposes in such a manner that Individual can reasonably understand how the
PII/PHI will be used or disclosed including third parties.
RACI Matrix
Business Process Owner
Data Protection
Officer/ Designee
Legal Department
9.2. Choice and Consent
Objective: To ensure DIN obtains implicit or explicit consent from the data subject with respect to the handling of
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DIN shall inform by means of a notice and seek implicit consent (By means of an Medical Insurance Policy
document) from Individual for collection, use, or disclosure of their PII/PHI for the identified business
DIN shall ensure that the consent obtained is informed consent. In case of subsequent uses or disclosures of
PII/PHI, DIN shall seek consent after collection but before use.
Each Individual must be provided with clear and simple means of being able to withdraw consent at any point
as part of the Online Privacy Statement on DIN.
In cases where the Individual’s PII/PHI is processed by a third party, DIN will ensure that any opt-out requests
are honored and accurately implemented.
Where consent is required, an Individual must be given the opportunity to take some action to indicate
consent; it is not permitted to infer the consent if the individual fails to respond to a request or question.
DIN customers shall be informed if requested, regarding the procedure to register for the ‘Opt Out’ service.
RACI Matrix
Business Process Owner
Data Protection
Officer/ Designee
Legal Department
9.3. Collection
Objective: To ensure that minimum PII/PHI required to meet business purpose is collected from an Individual.
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The method of collecting PII/PHI shall be reviewed by management before they are implemented to confirm
that PII/PHI is obtained fairly and lawfully.
The collection of PII/PHI shall be limited to that necessary for the purposes identified in the notice and as per
the prescribed regulatory purposes. DIN shall maintain an inventory of PII/PHI collected.
All the PII/PHI collected from customers, employees, vendors and contractors will be categorized as PII/PHI
DIN shall collect the PII/PHI by fair and lawful means and document its collection practices.
Customer service representatives shall limit their collection and documentation of information from
individuals to defined data elements.
DIN shall indicate clear distinction of the information being obligatory or optional for the identified business
purposes while collecting it from the individual.
RACI Matrix
Business Process Owner
Data Protection
Officer/ Designee
Legal Department
9.4. Use, Retention and Disposal
Objective: To justify a legitimate business purpose for the usage, retention and disposal of PII/PHI.
DIN shall limit the use of PII/PHI to the purposes identified in the notice and for which the individual has
provided necessary consent.
DIN shall maintain an inventory of PII/PHI processed.
DIN shall retain PII/PHI only as necessary for legitimate business purposes unless there are legal or regulatory
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DIN shall document the basis for retention periods and justify requirements to retain PII/PHI for periods longer
than the maximum retention period as per business and regulatory requirements.
Upon the expiration of the permitted business purpose(s), individual’s PII/PHI will be either permanently
deleted, destroyed or anonymized.
DIN shall develop disposal guidelines to ensure timely disposal of PII/PHI with a level of security appropriate
to the sensitivity of the PII/PHI.
Destruction of physical documents must be conducted in an environmental friendly manner.
DIN shall process PII/PHI only where it is necessary for DIN ’s business purposes.
RACI Matrix
Business Process Owner
Data Protection
Officer/ Designee
Legal Department
9.5. Access and Correction
Objective: To ensure data subjects are allowed to access their PII/PHI handled by DIN for future review and update.
Individuals will be informed of the procedure to be followed for reviewing or updating their PII/PHI;
The identity of the individual who requests access to PII/PHI will be authenticated before they are given access
to that information.
Individuals are informed, in writing, of the reason a request for access to their PII/PHI was denied, the source
of the entity’s legal right to deny such access, if applicable, and the individual’s right, if any, to challenge such
denial, as specifically permitted or required by law or regulation.
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PII/PHI is provided to the individual in an understandable form, in a reasonable timeframe, and at a reasonable
cost, if any.
RACI Matrix
Business Process Owner
Data Protection
Officer/ Designee
Legal Department
9.6. Disclosure to Third Parties
Objective: To ensure DIN implements appropriate privacy controls while disclosing PII/PHI to third-parties.
Individuals shall be informed if their PII/PHI will be disclosed to third parties.
Disclosure of PII/PHI to third-party shall be only for the purposes identified in the notice and for which the
individual has provided consent unless a law or regulation specifically allows or requires otherwise.
Data Protection Manager shall be informed before sharing PII/PHI with any new vendor so as to ensure that
DIN or third party driven due diligence is conducted thereby confirming appropriate data privacy and security
controls at the vendor location.
A list of third parties shall be created and periodically updated to create an inventory of all such third party
relationships that DIN is engaged with and where PII/PHI is exchanged.
DIN shall specifically state ‘Right to Audit’ clause in its vendor contracts, so as to periodically review the
effectiveness of security and privacy controls at the vendor location.
Vendor/third party should be under a contractual obligation to obtain DIN prior permission in order to use
sub-contractors to process the PII/PHI on behalf of DIN .
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Contract between DIN and the third party should clearly specify the DIN business purposes for which
Individual’s PII/PHI may be used/processed and the limitations or restrictions on usage/processing of the
PII/PHI for any other purposes outside the contract.
Prior to sharing individual PII/PHI, DIN shall notify the third party about the privacy guidelines as stated in this
policy document as well as obtain the written acknowledgement over the adherence to the same.
DIN shall identify the technical and process controls that needs to be implemented as a part of legal
DIN shall take remedial action in response to misuse of PII/PHI by a third party to whom DIN has transferred
such information.
Where DIN ceases to use a third party who has processed the PII/PHI of individuals, DIN shall use its best
efforts to ensure that all PII/PHI is either returned to DIN or permanently deleted, destroyed or anonymized
at the third party premises.
DIN shall use privacy protection clauses in its contracts with third parties to ensure a comparable level of
protection while PII/PHI is with third parties for processing.
Contracts should legally bind the third parties to act solely on the instructions of DIN in respect of handling
PII/PHI, including erasing or destroying the information upon completion of the purpose.
The third party should meet DIN ’s minimum privacy requirements (i.e. they must demonstrate the ongoing
capability, not just express an intention or agree to provide privacy controls).
RACI Matrix
Business Process Owner
Data Protection
Officer/ Designee
Legal Department
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9.7. Safeguarding PII/PHI
Objective: To ensure DIN shall establish appropriate security safeguards and controls to protect PII/PHI from
unauthorized disclosure, use, modification and destruction.
All PII/PHI (PII/PHI) shall be classified as ‘Confidential’ and appropriately labelled as per the DIN Information
Asset Management Policy & Procedure.
DIN shall implement appropriate physical access controls to safeguard PII/PHI stored in paper documents. For
further reference, refer Information Asset Management Policy & Procedure
Industry standard encryption and password protection measures shall be deployed for protecting PII/PHI
stored in electronic documents, IT applications and databases as well as while transmitting it through emails,
file transfer protocols as well as over other networks protocols. For further reference, refer DIN Information
Asset Management Policy & Procedure.
Individual’s PII/PHI shall be stored in portable devices (CD, USB drives, memory cards etc.) only upon necessary
approvals obtained from Data Protection Officer. Further, the portable storage devices shall be encrypted and
password protected at any point of time.
An information security audit/internal audit shall be conducted for all privacy critical applications.
Additional security safeguards shall be applied to sensitive PII/PHI of the individuals.
Secured scanners and printers shall be implemented at DIN premises to ensure accountability of
employees/vendors dealing with PII/PHI.
DIN shall institute procedures for secure destruction or disposal of PII/PHI and secure disposal of equipment
or devices used for storing PII/PHI.
Employees should be informed via Ethics Pledge Agreement (EPA) that, where access to PII/PHI is legitimately
granted, it is for work purposes only and information should only be accessed for legitimate business
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PII/PHI shall be secured against accidental disclosure and protected against natural disasters and hazards.
Appropriate Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) controls can be deployed to protect Special Category Personal
Data of the individuals.
Dual factor Authentication methods can be deployed on DIN systems used for accessing PII/PHI outside DIN
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9.8. Quality
Objective: DIN shall ensure completeness and accuracy of the PII/PHI collected and that the PII/PHI shall be kept up
to date and validated on an ongoing basis.
DIN shall ensure systems and procedures are in place to ensure that the PII/PHI that it holds is accurate,
complete, current and reliable to the best of its knowledge in relation to the purpose for which this
information is being processed.
DIN shall identify the types of PII/PHI that need to be routinely updated for accuracy and completeness.
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9.9. Monitoring and Enforcement
Objective: To ensure compliance with privacy policies and procedures and enforce mechanisms to address privacy
related inquiries, complaints and disputes.
DIN shall develop and implement a PII/PHI Management System (PIMS) and demonstrate management
commitment by providing necessary resources and embedding PIMS in the organization’s culture.
The effectiveness and efficiency of the PIMS shall be monitored and reviewed periodically through audits or
management reviews.
DIN shall establish an effective Regulatory Compliance Intelligence to periodically review privacy related laws
and regulatory requirements.
DIN shall ensure that it has right kind of information sources that feed its intelligence on regulations.
For the purpose of any investigation, DIN shall be entitled to access all PII/PHI details pertaining to an
individual under examination.
A formal procedure shall be implemented to identify and report privacy incidents. The procedure for the same
shall be communicated to all DIN employees as well as third parties such as vendors and contractors.
DIN shall provide periodic training and awareness on privacy to all employees, vendors and contractors who
access and process the PII/PHI of Individuals.
DIN personnel and third-parties may access and use PII/PHI only if they are authorized to do so and in
compliance with the policy.
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Any violation, breach or contravention of the policy or any part thereof shall be considered as non-compliance.
DIN shall publish periodic email based bulletins to increase privacy awareness among employees who access
and process the PII/PHI of individuals.
DIN shall take appropriate actions in case of any non-adherence to the policy statements, which can lead to
termination of employment, contract as well as possible civil and/or criminal penalties based on appropriate
investigations conducted by the concerned authorities.
For any disciplinary investigation process, DIN may also retain an employee’s desktop/laptop, mobile device
and any other handheld device.
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10. Definitions
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Central System
Is the digital platform for the exchange of electronic health information between
health sector entities? In the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, this is represented by “Malaffi”,
the Abu Dhabi Health Information Exchange Platform.
The administrative, technical, and physical safeguards applied within entity to satisfy
privacy requirements.
All that can be stored, processed, generated and transferred such as numbers,
letters, symbols, images and the like (including digital and non-digital).
Entity / Entities
Entity in Abu Dhabi that is involved in the direct delivery of healthcare and/or
supportive healthcare services, or in the financing of health such as health insurer
and health insurance facilitator, healthcare claims management entity, payer, Third
Party Administrator (TPA’s), hospital, medical clinic and medical center, telemedicine
provider, laboratory and diagnostic center, and pharmacy, etc.
Exchange of Health
Access, exchange, copying, photocopying, transfer, storage, publication, disclosure
or transmission of health data and information
Health Authority
Any federal or local governmental body concerned with health affairs in the United
Arab Emirates. (DOH Department of Health).
Information and
Technical or electronic tools or systems or other means that enable the processing
of information and data of all types, including the possibility of storage, retrieval,
dissemination and exchange
Health Information
Health data processed and made apparent and evident whether visible, audible or
readable, and which are of a health nature whether related to health facilities, health
or insurance facilities or beneficiaries of health services
Individually Identifiable
Health Information
Is health information that is held or transmitted by an entity or its contractors / third
parties in any form or media, whether electronic, paper, or verbal:
Demographic data and general identifiers such as name, address, birth date,
mobile number, Emirates ID etc.
Information that identifies the patient or for which there is a reasonable basis to
believe that it can be used to identify the patient.
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Protected Health Information including information on the Patient’s past, present
or future physical or mental health condition and the provision of health care to
the patient, or details of medical insurance.
Past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to the patient.
Medical reports / records whether it is in electronic or paper format.
Information about any organ donation to/by patient, of any body part or any
bodily substance of that patient, or derived from testing or examination of body
Least Privilege
The principle of providing users and programs with only essential and needed
privileges to complete a specific task, and provides adequate assurance that no
excess privileges are granted for users/programs/roles to complete a specific task.
Marketing is any communication about a product or service that encourages
recipients to purchase or use the product or service.
Need to know
The principle of providing access to users and data only when there is an established
need for access.
Personally Identifiable
Information (PII)
Personally Identifiable Information - information that, when used alone or with other
relevant data, can identify a patient. PII may contain direct identifiers (e.g., passport
information) that can identify a person uniquely
Person / Individual
/ Patient
A natural or arbitrary person whose protected health information is or has been
captured by the entity.
Privacy Breach
The loss of control, compromise, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized acquisition,
or any similar occurrence where (I) a person other than an authorized user accesses
or potentially accesses data or (II) an authorized user accesses data for another than
authorized purpose.
Privacy Risk
The likelihood that entities / patients will experience problems resulting from data
processing, and their impact should they occur.
Privacy Risk Assessment
Sub-process of entity's risk management for identifying, evaluating, prioritizing, and
responding to specific privacy risks.
Privacy Risk
Set of defined processes for identifying, assessing, and responding to privacy risks.
Generally, part of Risk Management practices.
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Privacy Policy
Standards to protect patient's medical records and other protected health
information and applies to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and those health
care providers that conduct certain health care transactions electronically.
Creating, entering, modifying, updating or deleting information (digital and non-
Professional Guidelines
A description of the methods, actions and procedures used as a guidance.
Set of actions developed with the aim of improving the health conditions of a patient
Protected Health
Information (PHI)
Protected health information - “Relates to the past, present, or future physical or
mental health or condition of a patient; the provision of health care to a patient; or
the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to a patient”
The entity where the PHI is stored, handled and used
A set of electronic data and health information exchange operations, involving a set
of electronic parts or components that link together and work together to achieve a
specific goal.